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what is "AlleyKidArt"

The street corners posed a significant danger to any child, unless they were engaged in illicit activities. This left the alleys as our refuge, a sanctuary of sorts. The alleys served as the central gathering place for family events, such as cookouts, graduations, and parties. When the nearby playground became too hazardous and dirty, the alleys became our preferred playground. Their proximity allowed your mom to keep a watchful eye on us while she attended to household chores.

We raced up and down those alleys on bikes and on foot, constantly on the move, eluding each other, neighborhood dogs, and rival kids. We played until the pavement seemed envious of our youthful vigor, attempting to take it from us. We'd run wild until we worked up a scent that my mother could only describe as "smelling like the outdoors."

In that alley, we fought, we cried, we poured sweat, and we shed blood; we practically became part of the alley. We were kids whose memories were forever etched in those alleyways. And coincidentally, I had a penchant for art.